Hey Asshole, Please Stop Buying Comics! Also, No Fucking MilkShakes For You

Marvel Comics Editor Heather Antos grabbed a milkshake with coworkers this past Friday and posted a selfie of the group on Twitter. The innocent photo managed to become a beacon for worthless internet trolls.

Here are some of the remarks:

No wonder Marvel Comics sales have nose-dived. Everyone has moved to DC where there is no SJW crap. – @SatansRobots

Can we just get off of feminism and social justice and actually print stories. God DC looks better and better – @Iwishiwashim12

Looks like a bunch of SWJ’s to me – @OutlawForHire

Antos received more negative comments over the next 12 hours.

“Woke up today to a slew of more garbage tweets and DMs. For being a woman. In comics. Who posted a selfie of her friends getting milkshakes,” said Antos in a tweet.

Here is my open letter to any person who thinks we need less Social Justice Warriors in the comic book industry.

“Go fuck yourself,” – Matt Sardo.

The job of a superhero is to inspire us all to be better. Peter Parker makes the right choice, even when it’s not the popular option. It doesn’t matter who you are; Superman will save you because Ma and Pa Kent raised him to be a good kid. When little Steve Rogers jumps on the grenade in ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ who do you think he was saving?

Complaining about reboots is one thing, but when you’re angry about diversity in a comic, you have the problem. Moving forward, you have two choices: stop being an asshole or stop reading comics. I would prefer that you cease to be an asshole. Since we launched Monkeys Fighting Robots in 2015, I’ve seen some pretty dark comments about diverse comics and women. I do not give in to internet trolls, but when you start harassing a woman for getting a fucking milkshake, you have too much time on your hands, and I don’t want you part of this community of comic book nerds.

If this were the Ultimate Universe, Captain America would be knocking on your door to kick the shit out of you. I bet 99% of you trolls would piss your pants before the first punch was landed.

Superman would give you a second chance, and that is what I’m going to do, but this is your final warning: STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!

If you sent an insult to Antos, you need to apologize. Just hit the comment button you used to send the insult and type ‘I’m sorry,’ then send. Very simple and very easy.

If diverse superheroes make you angry, you need to ask yourself some serious questions. If you think you can bully the comic book community, you are wrong and need to stop buying comic books.

If you have an opinion about bullying in the comic book industry, comment below. The conversation needs to continue.

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
