Her Universe Announces New Lines at Star Wars Celebration

Her Universe has been one of the femmegeek standards since it opened in 2010. Every time I went to Star Wars Weekends (insert moment of silence), one of the things I’d search for was Ms. Eckstein’s newest pieces. I even bought a dress to have her sign just so that I could meet her.

So color me nerdly happy when I woke up this morning to see that Laughing Place reported a whole new line of Her Universe stuff that’s in the hopper. (Check out the original for the discussions from the panel and some stuff that didn’t make it into this post!)

Y’all check this out. First, and I say this from a place of love, I never want to another article of clothing if I can’t have the hoodie below. I mean, you people are basically going to have to deal with a naked from the waist up me if I don’t get this when it comes out. It’s BB-8 everyone. B.B.8. (You may not know me well enough yet? But I have something that someone might call… well, I like passion. Everyone else uses “obsession.” Haters.)

Image: Laughing Squid

There’s also some really great Stars Wars stuff that isn’t BB-8 based. The new AT-AT skirt looks kind of amazing. Laughing Place mentioned the poodle skirt design, but I thought that was just the shape. It wasn’t until I went back and looked at it that I said, “Dude, riiiigggght. AT-ATs look like dogs. Poodles are dogs. I get it now!” The idea is just the kind of referential design brilliance that Her Universe does so well.

Image: Laughing Squid

These kinds of references have meaning for femmegeeks in the workplace. Her Universe manages to abstract fandom to make it fit in with daily life while making it completely recognizable to the nerd girl. These patterns come in perfect for women wanting to rep their fandoms in the office. Take a look at the Alice in Wonderland magic teacup inspired works here. Really? If I still worked corporate, I could crazy rep my fandom and the conservative insurance industry would have no idea what I was doing. It’s like being an undercover geek. Totally, beautifully, femmely subserversive.

Image: Laughing Squid

Then we have things like the Haunted Mansion inspired stuff. To be honest, I almost almost wish I had a wedding to go to. (No, not really…I hate weddings. But you get the fancy idea.) The lines on these and the designs make them perfect fancy wear. Honestly, I love the pink one the most because it reminds me of Anna from Frozen. 

Image: Laughing Squid
Image: Laughing Squid

All in all, it’s exciting to see where Her Universe is taking these new designs. I love the fandoms that they rep. I also like seeing them go a little further to be able to add more types of fans and more styles.

Karen Walsh
Karen Walsh
Karen Walsh is a part time, extended contract, first year writing instructor at the University of Hartford. In other words, she's SuperAdjunct, complete with capes and Jedi robe worn during grading. When Karen isn't teaching, she is a freelance writer who works for a variety of marketing clients focusing on a variety of topics, including InfoSec and parenting. Her geeky and parenting writing can be found at GeekMom. She works in order to support knitting, comics, tattoo, and museum membership addictions. She has one dog, one husband, and one son who all live with her just outside of Hartford, CT. She can be reached on Twitter: @kvonhard and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeekyKaren/

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