Future Flash: Possibly Grant Gustin’s Hardest Role Yet- ‘The Flash’

‘The Once and Future Flash’

After a long awaited hiatus, we finally get to see Barry Allen talking to… well, Barry Allen. Future Flash comes into play when Barry decides to go travel through space and time to the future. There, he will encounter himself- something he has done before, and has regret.

“It’s a lot of scenes with Barry and Barry,” Gustin explained to TV Line during a recent set visit. “And they’re pretty emotional scenes from both sides. [Future Barry is] about eight years older, which in a way made it more challenging for me, because it wasn’t like, ‘This is my grizzled, older self. They were some of the more challenging scenes I’ve done — if not just this year, in the whole series, because I’m my own scene partner.”


Future Flash

Barry, travels to the year 2024 to find out who Savitar really is, and in doing so, encounters himself. Touching on things the show has never before, it’s expected to be the best episode of the season thus far.

Another reason this episode is special, is their own Tom Cavanagh, (HR Wells) directed this episode. It made it more special for both Gustin and Cavanagh to share the experience. Cavanagh and Gustin are also working together on a crowd-funded short film, called ‘Tom and Grant.’


Barry (Grant Gustin) travels to the future to find out Savitar’s still unknown identity in the hopes of saving Iris (Candice Patton). Upon his arrival in 2024, Barry encounters future versions of his Team Flash friends, who, following the death of Iris, have become very different people, profoundly impacted by their showdown with Savitar. It will be up to Barry to infuse a sense of hope back into the team, as he proves to be hero his future friends have been waiting for. Meanwhile, back in 2017, the hunt for Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) continues.

New Episode Tuesday April 25th at 8.7c on The CW.

Devon Kenney
Devon Kenney
A Washingtonian born and raised, trying to make my way in Indiana. A nerd from head to toe. In love with craft beer, horror, and Hall and Oates. Graduate from Academy of Art University with a degree in Screenwriting. Find me on Twitter and Instagram @Nightynight34

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