Frank Miller To Write A Fourth Dark Knight Installment

In an interview with Newsarama, Frank Miller revealed that he will return to the ‘Dark Knight’ series after Dark Knight III: The Master Race is released.

“I thoroughly applaud what [Brian Azzarello’s] doing,” Miller said in the interview. “But now that he’s doing his, it’s now a four-part series. I’m doing the fourth.”

It remains unclear if Miller will illustrate the DKIV himself, as he did parts one and two, or if he will collaborate with an illustrator.

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1, by Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, Andy Kubert, and Klaus Janson, is scheduled for release on November 25.


Nikolai Fomich
Nikolai Fomich
Nikolai Fomich is a Philadelphia-based writer and teacher. He loves comics, literature, and film, and takes moderate pleasure in describing himself in the third-person.

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