First Look: NIGHTWING #70 Prelude To Joker War

Nightwing #70 doesn’t hit your local comic book shop until March 18, but thanks to DC Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has a first look at the interior art by Ryan Benjamin.

The book is written by Dan Jurgens, with art by Benjamin, and cover by Mike Perkins.

About Nightwing #70:

Q: How many Nightwings does it take for one Joker to strike to get to the real one?

A: Four. Four Nightwings running around Blüdhaven.

…and that’s not even the punchline—how will Ric interact with the Joker when he’s not quite sure which one of his two memories is the real one, and exactly how dangerous this clown standing before him is? Is this the issue where the Joker tracks down the real Nightwing—and is the Joker the key to the return of Dick Grayson?

What do you think of Jurgens’ run on Nightwing? Are you excited for Joker War?Comment below with your thoughts.
First Look: NIGHTWING #70 Prelude To Joker War

First Look: NIGHTWING #70 Prelude To Joker War

First Look: NIGHTWING #70 Prelude To Joker War

First Look: NIGHTWING #70 Prelude To Joker War

Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane created Robin, and Dick Grayson was first to wear the costume. Dick first appeared in Detective Comics #38 in April 1940. Marv Wolfman and George Pérez created Nightwing, and his first appearance was in Tales of the Teen Titans #44 back in July of 1984.

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
