Exclusive Preview: BLACK KNIGHT CURSE EBONY BLADE #3 (OF 5) – VS. The Mighty Thor!

BLACK KNIGHT CURSE EBONY BLADE #3 (OF 5) hits your local comic book shop next week, but thanks to Marvel Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has an exclusive four-page preview for our readers!

The book is written by Simon Spurrier, with art by Sergio Davila, Sean Parsons drops the ink, Arif Prianto and Chris Sotomayor handle the colors, and you will read Cory Petit’s letter work. Iban Coello and Jesus Aburtov are the cover artists.

THE MIGHTY THOR VS. THE BLACK KNIGHT! Dane Whitman wields the magical Ebony Blade as the BLACK KNIGHT! He needs ELSA BLOODSTONE’s help if he’s going to stop an enemy’s murderous hunt for the EBONY ARTIFACTS. But the EBONY CHALICE lies beyond this world in a wasteland of dangerous fantasies and predatory magic. Their battle in the present will reveal dangerous secrets of the past as THE MIGHTY THOR duels the first Black Knight at Camelot! The Chalice’s power, like the Ebony Blade’s, comes at a terrible cost…is Dane willing to pay it?!

Enjoy the preview below!

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
