EVERYTHING #1, coming out this Wednesday from Dark Horse Comics, is an amusing twist on consumerism and the dangers of mega malls.

Everything #1 is the start to an all-new series that’ll make readers question everything they thought they knew and loved about mega malls. Or perhaps not. Any employee stuck working in a mall will gladly tell you that it’s never as perfect as it seems.
This series is so retro in so many ways and eerie and disturbing in others. It makes for an oddly brilliant combination – one that we’ve seen work in a few other famous instances. Though there’s a good chance that none of the others were quite as vibrant as Everything is proving to be.

Everything #1 starts off on an alarming note. But on the bright side, it’s sure to catch the reader’s attention. And once caught, it holds onto it with both hands. Christopher Cantwell certainly knows how to write an introduction. From there, the series takes no time to introduce three completely different leading characters.
Lori is a unique soul. She’s depressive and a bit of a downer – the sort of person you tend to avoid at work when possible. Rick is from out of town, and he also has his issues. Including a potential phobia of insects that may or may not be real. And finally, Remo. He’s a teenager desperate for a job, and quite possibly a way out as well.
You’ll notice that this list isn’t including the woman who owns the mall. And that’s because we still don’t know where she stands. There’s a good chance that she’s not even human. And only time will reveal the truth of this whole situation.

The artwork for this series is exactly as bright as the cover hints at – there’s a lot of bold shapes and colors, with scenes that bounce back and forth between the mundane and incredibly intense. It’s a solid balance, though one clearly designed to disorient the readers.
I.N.J. Culbard is the artist behind the series. Their style is unique, and since they’re the only artist on the project, that gave it a certain sense of cohesion. Considering how intentionally disjointed other elements are, this was a good call.
Steve Wands provided the lettering for this issue, and the attention to detail shows with the font choices and placements. In many ways, the font made the issue have that retro feel they were looking for.
Everything #1 was a strong yet odd start to a new series. The creative team worked hard at grabbing the reader’s attention – while also leaving us in the dark as much as possible. It’s an interesting balance, one that leaves readers with more questions than answers. But that’s not a bad thing.