Early ‘Batman V Superman’ Reaction Positive, Claims Film Darker Than ‘Man of Steel’

According to Batman-On-Film founder and editor-in-chief Jett Ramey, early reactions from those who have seen Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice have been universally positive. Though he has not seen the film himself, Jett spoke with someone who had, giving Jett his “non-spoilerish” thoughts on the film.

According to Jett’s source, Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg are “the standouts.” Affleck’s Batman is described as “brutal” and Eisenberg’s portrayal of Luthor is “a very modern take on the character. He’s completely two-faced and the trailers don’t do him justice.”

In addition, the source reports that Gal Gadot “is great” as Wonder Woman, though “her role is quite small,” while the movie’s “references to future Justice League characters are handled very well and the film doesn’t feel crammed.” On Superman, the writer simply states that “Superman does “Superman things.””

The most interesting part of the report regards the film’s tone and the titular characters’ conflict: “The film is really dark – maybe even darker than Chris Nolan’s Batman films. It’s definitely darker than Man of Steel. It’s closer to Watchmen in my opinion than The Dark Knight Trilogy or Man of SteelThe reason why Batman and Superman are against each other is handled in a very organic manner and there are some fantastic parallels drawn between these two very different characters.”

Established in 1998, Batman-On-Film is a highly respected news source reporting on the Batman film franchise, and has enjoyed close connections with those who have worked on Batman films in the past.

Batman v Superman arrives in theaters on March 25.


Nikolai Fomich
Nikolai Fomich
Nikolai Fomich is a Philadelphia-based writer and teacher. He loves comics, literature, and film, and takes moderate pleasure in describing himself in the third-person.

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