DCEU Rumor Roundup: Aquaman, Green Lantern, Teen Titans, Birds of Prey

A number of rumors have hit the web this week regarding the future of DC’s Extended Universe. These rumors come mostly courtesy of JoBlo, a well-connected movie news and rumor site.

According to JoBlo:

  • Mera will play a major role in the Aquaman film and will be a “force to be reckoned with.” The studio is looking to cast a non-white actress in the role. Additionally, the villain of the film will be Aquaman’s half-brother, Ocean Master.
  • Cyborg may be replaced with a Teen Titans film, in which Cyborg will be featured.
  • Green Lantern Corps will feature both Hal Jordan and John Stewart, in a “”Lethal Weapon in space” team-up.”

Adding to the rumor mill this week is a report from the Latino Review, which states that WB is considering a Birds of Prey film staring Black Canary.

With so many rich characters and brilliant stories, DC’s untapped potential is only beginning to be realized by Warner Brothers.

Nikolai Fomich
Nikolai Fomich
Nikolai Fomich is a Philadelphia-based writer and teacher. He loves comics, literature, and film, and takes moderate pleasure in describing himself in the third-person.

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