One year ago today (May 25th, 2016) DC Entertainment released “DC Rebirth #1” and launched the Rebirth line. It was an engaging renaissance for the company that garnered immensely positive feedback from both fans and critics. And it doesn’t look like DC is slowing down anytime soon.

But, let’s give a quick recap of what DC’s past year was like post its inaugural Rebirth issue. Many of their title were put on a twice-monthly schedule, which had very few delays. (Side note: some of those titles are pas their 20th issue now and are still selling like hotcakes). DC also released the Hana-Barbera line, which gave us some surprising hits like The Flintstones and Future Quest. My Chemical Romance lead Gerard Way ventured into comics as the head of the new “Young Animal” imprint that introduced some more psychedelic and unique comics like Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye and the reintroduction of Doom Patrol.
It’s been an eventful year for them to say the least. And we at Monkeys Fighting Robots cannot wait to see where the company is going from here. (Anyone else excited for Dark Matter?)
So, here’s to you DC! Congratulations on a phenomenal year of superhero storytelling and great comics. We hope you have many more years like this one.