Speculation: Brian Michael Bendis To Take Over Detective Comics With Epic Run To #1000

Brian Michael Bendis reported for duty at DC Comics on January 2, and the publisher previously announced Bendis’s involvement with Action Comics #1000 in the form of a short, with art by DC Co-Publisher Jim Lee.

The next announcement from DC about Bendis looks to be in the form of Batman news. The writer teased the Batman announcement on Twitter he did a big interview Tuesday night and attached a GIF of Michael Keaton from Tim Burton’s Batman. Bendis also mentioned on his Tumblr confirming he’s working on a Batman book.

thatadamtaylor asked:
Now that you’re moving to DC, any chance you can talk them into letting you do that Daredevil/Batman crossover that was talked about years ago?

“I’ll do better than that. What if I were to tell you that my daredevil run was one half of the Batman crossover, and now I’m going to do the other half, and you guys will be able to put it together,” said Bendis.

Speculation: Brian Michael Bendis To Take Over Detective Comics With Epic Run To #1000

The question now becomes what Batman book he plans to work on. The most significant draw would be a stand-alone twelve-issue maxi-series. It is hard to imagine DC giving Tom King the boot on the main Batman title. On the other hand, Bendis would raise the profile of Detective Comics as it approaches #1000 (no offense to James T Tynion IV). Detective makes the most business sense as sales would skyrocket if Bendis has a two-year storyline planned out.

We reached out to DC Comics for comment, and the publisher replied with “We have no information on Brian Michael Bendis to share. Stay tuned for news: dccomics.com/blog/press.” Which means, the announcement is coming it is just a matter of time.

What do you think, do you want to see Bendis take over Detective or work on a new series? Comment below.

For reference: Bendis worked on Daredevil vol. 2 from May 2001 until March 2006 (Issues #16–19, #26–50, #56–81).

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
