David Ayer Releases Photo of Jared Leto’s Joker!

It’s here! Finally, after few glimpses, we finally have our first actual photo of Jared Leto as The Joker in the upcoming “Suicide Squad” film. Finally, the end product of a process that began with chopping off a worshiped man bun, moved to a weird eighties yuppie villain stage, and teased at with some blurry Twitter pictures. The wait is over, Internet! Finally, it’s here! The long-awaited reveal of Academy Award-winning actor, Jared Leto, as The Joker! Are you ready for what comic’s most notorious villain looks like when interpreted by Jared Leto?

Next week on “My So Called Life,” Angela and Rickie convince Jordan to burn down Arkham and free the Penguin.

Sarah Yeazel
Sarah Yeazel
Geek, Blogger, Bills Fan, Liza Fanatic, Joan Collins Devotee, Hulk Smash, Rob Ryan Enthusiast, Mutant Freedom Now

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