Danai Gurira Offers Ultimate ‘The Walking Dead’ Experience

It always feels great to help other people. But now you can help Danai Gurira, who plays Michonne on The Walking Dead, raise money for charity and receive an unforgettable The Walking Dead experience in return.

Danai is rasing money for a charity co-founded by her called Almasi Arts.

For the small contribution of $10 you will become eligible to win amazing perks from The Walking Dead which are listed on the official contest Crowdrise page.  One of the many prizes is lunch with Danai and possibly other cast members as well.

Would you like to win this awesome experience and help a great cause in the process? Watch the video above to find out more about this cool opportunity and how you can help Danai Gurira with Almasi Arts.

Andrew Dubats
Andrew Dubats
Digital media producer and writer who often travels to places with sun and palm trees. He also happens to live in a place with sun and palm trees which reduces travel costs.

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