Dan Slott Leaving Spider-Man, Marvel Continues Moving In New Direction

After a decade-long run as the Amazing Spider-Man writer, Dan Slott’s tenure is coming to an end.

In the March 2018 Marvel solicitations, Amazing Spider-Man #797 begins an arc entitled “Go Down Swinging.” The solicitation states “Dan Slott has saved his most harrowing Spider-Man story for last.”

Dan Slott

The story is centered around a return by Norman Osborn to his Green Goblin alter ego, and will introduce the mysterious new “Red Goblin.”

Slott joined the ASM creative team 2008, ultimately becoming the sole writer in 2010. Through this time, we’ve seen some major Spidey stories. Spider-Island, the death of Peter Parker, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, and the recent Parker Industries saga were all by Slott.

Amazing Spider-Man has consistently been a top-selling comic for Marvel, but that doesn’t mean everybody is a fan of Slott’s work. Fans have been divided for the most part of this era of Spidey comics. After having killed Peter in ASM #700, Slott received death threats.

Regardless of where you stand on the man’s take on our favorite web-slinger, we’re about to enter a new era. For the first time since 2010, we’ll be getting a new voice on Amazing Spider-Man.

This comes not long after the news that longtime Marvel juggernaut, Brian Michael Bendis, was leaving Marvel. Slott may not be leaving the publisher entirely, but with Bendis exiting and Slott moving on from Spidey, Marvel Comics is certainly changing.

With powerhouse writers like Donny Cates, Tom Taylor, Kelly Thompson, and Dennis Hopeless onboard at Marvel, filling Slott’s shoes shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. Marvel finds themselves with an opportunity to pass the torch to new voices and take these beloved characters to new places.

Regardless of how you feel about Dan Slott’s Spider-Man contributions, change is healthy. This is an exciting time for Marvel Comics (even though they probably just cancelled one of your favorite series).

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffinhttps://twitter.com/griffunk
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk

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