Cyclops Meets His Ultimate Fate: ‘Death Of X’ #4 Review


Cyclops is one of the longest-serving X-Men, but he’s now the subject of a major plot twist in Death Of X #4.

In the final chapter, Cyclops’ team faces off against a Terrigen cloud. Despite neutralizing the threat, Alchemy succumbs to the M-Pox virus and dies. Scott confronts Black Bolt and Medusa over their role in creating the virus.

At the urging of Medusa, Black Bolt obliterates Cyclops with a mere blast of his voice. The X-Men are horrified at the death of their leader. Meanwhile, Storm manages to broker peace with Medusa. Both teams agree to keep their distance.

Cyclops X-Men
Cyclops bites the dust – or does he?

Later, during the funeral, Storm delivers an eulogy and wishes Scott could have lived to see peace. Alex “Havok” Summers confides in Emma Frost that Scott’s body is not there. He wonders if this is some kind of trick, but Emma tells him that is not the case.

Emma admits Scott has been dead the whole series. During issue #1, he got M-Pox exposure and passed soon after. His last words are, “Don’t let it die, Emma.” The Cyclops seen in the series has been a psychic projection by Emma. Even his “death” at Black Bolt’s hands is her doing. As she explains, the notion of Cyclops being alive is important, because it will keep his dream alive.

The series ends with the X-Men and Inhumans back to co-existing with each other. The X-Men are in various factions. While Beast wants to find an M-Pox cure, Emma seeks to fight back against the Inhumans.

Cyclops X-Men
Cyclops’ dream must continue to exist

All of this sets the scene for Inhumans vs. X-Men. The prologue issue is now in stores.

Jonathan Bruce
Jonathan Bruce
I am an English teacher by day and a freelance writer at night. Specialities include news, reviews, opinion and commentary articles. When I'm not teaching, I participate in theatre, building sets and working stage crew as a hobby. I also enjoy reading and having an occasional glass of Scotch.

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