Creator Spotlight: Erik Radvon

Erik Radvon is an independent writer, creator, and producer from Massachusetts. He’s a heart full of darkness and the ability to transport you to places you’ve never been. Radvon is a creative force to be reckoned with. His website showcases his journalism, games, blog, and comics. In this creator spotlight, we’ll be taking a look at his self-published comic books.


Crypt Zero cvr


Crypt Zero is an independently published comic book written and produced by Erik Radvon with art by Rob Croonenborghs and letters by Micah Myers. Spaceman-for-hire Commander Dal is sent to a remote planet on a scouting mission. He finds an ancient crypt and a whole lotta talking dead things. A pulpy sci-fi thriller in the classic EC Comics tradition.”

Crypt Zero pg


Voodoo Bird cvr


Voodoo Bird is an independently published comic written and produced by Erik Radvon with art by Rob Croonenborghs and letters by Micah Myers. Inspired by the long-running Tharg’s Future Shocks segment found in British comic magazine 2000 A.D., this short story tells the tale of a hot new app that goes viral and becomes an instant global obsession…with a little help from ancient black magic. It’s Flappy Bird meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers!”

Voodoo Bird pg

Comic books always function best with any sort of punk-rock aesthetic, both of these titles have it in spades. Erik Radvon has the capability of introducing you to a world that immediately grabs you and doesn’t let go until it’s finished with you.

Both books feature the same brilliant creative trio. Radvon’s classic sci-fi sensibility combines with a sharp sense of humor, delivering a satisfying comic reading experience. Crypt Zero and Voodoo Bird scratch the surface of the creative talent, here’s to hoping we’ll get more in the future!


You can purchase both titles at Radvon’s site, as well as check out his other work! As well as follow him on Twitter for wonderful pop culture insight and comic book talk!

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffin
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk

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