First Comic Book Superhero With Down Syndrome Being Introduced

Monkeys Fighting Robots

Comic book publisher Lion Forge Press has a slogan, “Comics for everyone”. And with their latest creation, Superb,  they are taking that to a new level.

Superb will be part of the company’s Catalyst Prime line of superhero comics with the first issue of Noble and the Catalyst Prime special that was just released for Free Comic Book Day. The comic is written by David F. Walker (Marvel’s Nighthawk, Luke Cage) and Sheena C. Howard ( Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation). On the art side are Ray-Anthony Height, Le Beau L. Underwood and Veronica Gandini. The series will be produced in partnership with the National Down Syndrome Society.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Lion Forge President Geoff Gerber has this to say:

Everyone faces different challenges in life, but those challenges don’t prevent us from wanting to be heroes. Superb is a story about two young people faced with challenges who struggle to understand one another and what it means to be heroes. But, some challenges are more difficult for many of us to understand. Luckily, NDSS is willing to help our creators explain this and to help our readers understand. Nothing could be more important when telling the story of a character who acquires powers that increase his capabilities without taking away his disabilities.

NDSS President Sara Hart Weir had this to add:

As the leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down syndrome, NDSS is thrilled to work with Lion Forge in the development of a Superb comic superhero named Jonah. We look forward to sharing Jonah’s adventures with Catalyst Prime’s wide readership to encourage the value, acceptance, and inclusion of the superheroes we know exist within all people with Down syndrome.

As someone who’s family is personally affected by a mental disability, I love this. Diversity in comics has taken big steps lately, and this is another leap forward. A true testament to the power of storytelling and comics in particular. What do you guys think? Comment and discuss below!

Superb will launch this July as the third ongoing Catalyst Prime book.
