
A unique series with a lot going for it thanks to the story, visuals, and added perk of supplying recipes.

‘Brave Chef Brianna’ #3 Is A Dish Too Good to Pass Up

Brianna’s restaurant has gained some positive attention, so of course that’s when her brother Hans decides to roll into town with his food truck for a little competition!


There are times when, as a critic, reviews slip through your fingers. You take too long to get around to doing a write up on a particular subject and you have no choice but to shelve it because you have other material which needs to be covered. Yet you still want to make sure the media gets as much attention as possible. This is the case with Brave Chef Brianna, a series which isn’t getting a proper review until the third issue of its miniseries. To the entire creative team behind this book, I apologize for taking too long because it really is a great series.

As Brianna continues to work to keep her restaurant afloat in a city of monsters, she has had a lot of difficulties. A native chef trying to take her down, an impromptu visit by family, and her own doubts and fears not helping anything. All the while, you can feel for Brianna as she works hard to become a chef and inherit her family’s name, which she believes is the only thing to help her stand out as a creative from her siblings. Any reader can easily sympathize with Brianna and her situation and want her to succeed as she works to make her dream come true.

Writer and creator Sam Sykes has created something original by taking a lot of unique themes and mixing them together into a truly delectable entree. One you wouldn’t mind sharing with anyone interested in comics for more than just stories of superheroes. Also, the real recipes in the back of the book by chef Stephanie Goldfarb sound delicious and it makes you want to try to create them yourself.

Brave Chef Brianna


The art team of Selina Espiritu (on illustrations) and Sarah Stern (on colors) work together to produce a very visually pleasing book. They have found a way to create their own style behind recognizable monsters of fiction. Also, the way they illustrate Brianna’s doubt as a swirling black gas trying to consume her is probably one of the best visual interpretations of emotion ever. It really feels like it will swallow her whole if she is not careful.


This series is great and makes you want more. More issues, more recipes, and more of Brianna, a character everyone can relate with. Hopefully more people will pick up this series and the further adventures of this up and coming chef in a city of monsters will be a possibility.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

What do you think?

'Brave Chef Brianna' #3 Is A Dish Too Good to Pass UpA unique series with a lot going for it thanks to the story, visuals, and added perk of supplying recipes.