Monkeys Fighting Robots

We all know Tom King loves to tease us fans on Twitter, and he has done it again! The esteemed DC Comics scribe has suggested Booster Gold is coming! Check it out below.

King has done this kind of action figure post before and they have always been fun and very telling. So we can safely assume everyone’s favorite time-traveling blowhard superhero will soon be making an appearance. If you consider Booster’s appearance in Action Comics recently, that’s a whole lot of gold!

What do you guys think? Are you excited to see Booster Gold written by Tom King? Are you stoked to see him interact with the Rebirth Batman? Comment and discuss below!

Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!