‘Ben Hur’: And The Crowd Does NOT Go Wild!

Recent remake Ben Hur is expected to perform far below Paramount Picture’s expectations as reported by recent article from Hollywood Reporter. Projecting around $14-15 million dollars over the weekend, this may be the sign the remake wave is reaching its peak.

Many classic films (RoboCop, Total Recall, Ghostbusters, etc.) are undergoing remakes or reboots to varying levels of success. Ben Hur, among the most revered of films to undergo such treatment, shows that sometimes you should leave well enough alone.

The trailer presents more of an ancient Roman sports film over an epic tale of revenge and redemption. Though it is heavy in special effects, over the top action sequences, and a stellar cast (I do like the casting of Morgan Freeman and Jack Houston), it lacks the heart and soul of the legendary film starring Charlton Heston.

Whether or not this will see the end of the remake/reboot trend remains to be seen. What are your thoughts on the movie and of this particular trend?


Seth Frederiksen
Seth Frederiksen
A post-grad history buff who is addicted to comics and books, and lover of anything with the words "ice" and "cream" in it. I've been a huge Batman fan since I can remember, and have come to appreciate sequential art as literature and entertainment. Also I have a soft spot for dogs. Just saying.

What do you think?
