
Crone #3 was a vibrant and concerning tale of the aged warrior, full of striking scenes and colors.

Battles and Delusions in CRONE #3

CRONE #3, out this Wednesday from Dark Horse comics, may be an issue full of fights and battles, but that doesn’t stop it from hitting shockingly close to home with its latest revelation. It would seem that Bloody Bliss’ past has truly come back to haunt her.

A disturbing cover is to be found for Crone #3. What will this foretell?


Crone has been the tale of Bloody Bliss – once a brilliant and terrifying warrior. Now she’s a broken old woman waiting for death. The last few issues have taught us that the past isn’t as far behind as one would like. Death and violence are once again terrorizing the people, with their only hope being Bloody Bliss’ return.

Crone #3 continues this dark and disturbing tale. Once again we find ourselves transported to this violent world, and it’s clear that the world hasn’t changed all that much. Despite Bloody Bliss’ best efforts. There’s something to be said in that, but perhaps it is best not to dwell on that thought too long.

A vibrant alternate cover of Crone #3, though arguably one that is also very concerning…

The Plot

Dennis Culver has once again woven an intricate and concerning tale. By merging Bliss’ past and present, we’ve had a unique opportunity to learn so much about a single character in a very short period of time. We’ve also been granted a glimpse of the world, and thus can clearly tell how little has truly changed.

It’s a concerning thought. But one that Culver likely wanted us to ponder while reading Crone #3. One thing is certain; Bliss may be old, but the fight is far from out of her. The same cannot be said about her weapon (which is still satisfyingly accurate).

The highlight of this issue is without a doubt the appearance of the new antagonist. This is the part of this plot that really touches close to home. Many of us will never have to face a physical battle the way Bloody Bliss has. But we have had to face her other enemy.

Almost every reader out there has likely faced a person who refused to take no for an answer. Given the culture we’re in right now, that is an openly discussed subject. So there’s something both alarming and personal about its addition in this series.

By this minor inclusion on Culver’s part, he’s managed to bring the entire battle home in a completely unexpected way. Suddenly we can connect with Bliss. And admittedly it’s going to make the inevitable beat down of the antagonist so much more satisfying.

The Art

As with the rest of the series, Crone #3 is full of brilliant artwork. The fight scenes are powerful and dynamic. Perhaps more so now that we’ve seen a version of Bliss that is capable of loss and failure. There’s something human in that, don’t you think?

Justin Greenwood has set the tone with his artwork in this issue. The character poses and expressions are a particular highlight, as they enhance the mood – while clearly broadcasting their opinions on what is happening.

Brad Simpson was the colorist for this issue, and his work is simply divine. The colors are rich and luxurious, regardless of which color palette is making an appearance on the page. His colors bring the characters – and their battles – to life.

Finally, Pat Brosseau was the letterer for this issue, and he did an excellent job. Brosseau has gone with an understated look, while also complementing the time period and art style with his choice of font.

In Conclusion

Crone #3 was another thrilling read in the series. Arguably, it’s the most intense yet, despite the decrease in flashbacks. There was something very human about the struggle shown, while simultaneously bringing the fight and threat to epic proportions.

Cat Wyatt
Cat Wyatt
Cat Wyatt is an avid comic book fan. She loves comics - possibly too much, and will happily talk your ear off about everything she's reading. Though picking a favorite is a bit harder. She reads a little bit of everything and is always open to trying a new series.

What do you think?

Battles and Delusions in CRONE #3Crone #3 was a vibrant and concerning tale of the aged warrior, full of striking scenes and colors.