
A series takes its bow in the most meaningful way possible.

A Standing Ovation For ‘Jem’ #26

Truly Outrageous Part Three! It all comes down to this oversized final issue! As the Holograms try to come together in paradise, their secrets (and their rivalries) continue to threaten to tear them apart.


All good things must come to an end. But why? This series became a great example of what IDW has been able to accomplish. Thanks to the writing of Kelly Thompson, the series was a must read with little to no dip in the quality of its storytelling or its art. Few others comics can claim such an honor. Sure, there is still a miniseries coming out after but it still seems like a finale just in case the next series doesn’t help things moving forward.

This “final” issue of Jem was filled with a lot of great moments. A search for Kimber, the Holograms playing a benefit concert, and a brief confrontation with the Stingers all occur in this book. The issue also features a really intense moment for Jerrica and Rio which gives fans the heart to heart talk they have always wanted these two characters to have. It’s almost too much of a good thing but the bitter reminder its supposed to be a send off does keep it from reaching perfection.



The art by Gisele Lagace with color work by M. Victoria Robado is the ideal send off to this series. The characters are drawn with the right mix of emotion for the given situations which play out in the panels. The concert scene is drawn with a special attention to the detail work. It’s as if the team wanted everyone to know just how intense this concert was supposed to be to the readers. Solid work to say the least.


Buy this book. In fact, buy all of the Jem comics so this series keeps going. Jem was a testament to what happens when a nostalgic property is updated to modern times and the great stories which come from it. Hopefully whatever happens in Jem: Infinite will ensure the series continued longevity. For now, all fans can hope for something truly outrageous to happen in the future.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

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A Standing Ovation For 'Jem' #26A series takes its bow in the most meaningful way possible.