THE RED MOTHER #12, available Wednesday from BOOM! Studios, concludes a series full of horror, gore, and trepidation. Daisy’s story has been far from an easy one, yet that makes it all the more compelling.

It’s hard to believe that we’re already twelve issues into The Red Mother, and that this issue brings about the finale. Yet it also feels right, in a weird way. This whole time has been about readying Daisy for a final confrontation. Perhaps, somewhere along the way, the fans were readied as well.
The Red Mother #12 has a lot riding on it. There are so many questions left unanswered. Plots that need to be tied up. All while maintaining that horrifying tone that the series has perfected so early on.
That thought raises a couple of important questions. Will this be a conclusion in true horror fashion? Or will it bring about a more satisfying ending? One that feels right for all characters involved – not just the monsters that crawl out from the shadows.

The Writing
Close your eyes. Imagine all of the ways in which The Red Mother might conclude. Or don’t, because Jeremy Haun’s writing will exceed any hopes or assumptions about the series. This is a series that has chilled and thrilled from the start, so there shouldn’t be any doubt about how it’ll end.
The Red Mother #12 is a haunting issue. Not just for what it puts Daisy through (though there certainly is that), but for the implications made throughout. There’s always been this sense of something larger at work, and now fans have gotten a glimpse at the true scale of things.
So, while this issue certainly does answer many of the lingering questions from this series, those answers are far from being a comfort. Then again, we wouldn’t be reading this series if we were seeking comfort now, would we?
All conclusions are bittersweet, but this one had a few unique twists worth mentioning and remembering. First, it gave a feeling like the whole ordeal was worth it. Second, while the series is undoubtedly wrapped up (with a neat little bow), it did leave room for a sequel. Gotta love it when that happens.

The Art
The artwork* found inside The Red Mother #12 may just contain some of the best art from the entire series. It still has all of those bold designs, but they’re more dominant than ever here. Of course they are – the Red Mother’s appearance is no longer a thing being hinted at.
Danny Luckert’s work really does bring the whole tale to a new level. Daisy’s world can be beautiful. Or it can be terrifying. It all depends on the lens that Luckert chose to portray, as this issue made painfully clear. The stark contrast between the beginning of this issue, and the conclusion is hard to avoid, and it complements the points being made perfectly.
The colors were vital for this entire series. Really, that’s true for any series (or character) where a dominant color is such an important element. But it goes beyond that as well. While the lettering, provided by Ed Dukeshire allowed for a sense of sophisticated subtlety, both in design and storytelling.
*The Red Mother #12, as with the rest of this series, delves into graphic detail revolving around certain body parts. It’s a repeating theme, so readers likely already have an idea of what is to come in this issue. Still, it seemed worthwhile to mention here, as it is more aggressively illustrated here.

The Red Mother #12 was a highly disturbing read for a lot of reasons, but it also brought with it some light. Together, these twining emotions allowed for a series finale that will stick in my mind for quite some time.