
Once & Future #6 is a dramatic conclusion to a deliciously dark series, one full of clever writing and brilliant artwork.

A Dramatic Conclusion In ONCE & FUTURE #6

ONCE & FUTURE #6, out this Wednesday from Boom! Studios concludes this dramatic retelling and twisted tale of King Arthur. This is a tale perfect for those who always felt that the story should be just a bit more sinister.

A dramatic cover for the conclusion of a dark and chilling series.


It’s hard to believe that the conclusion to Once & Future is already here. Then again, they told us from the start that this would only be six issues long. But man were those six issues pleasantly dark and worth reading!

There’s no doubt that it was the creative team behind this project that made it what it was. Kieron Gillen (writer), Dan Mora (artist), Tamra Bonvillain (colorist), and Ed Dukeshire (letterer) are an absolute dream team, and we can only hope to see more from this team in the future.

The sass and family dysfunction is strong on this page.

The Plot

Once & Future #6 was a conclusion that more series should aspire to. It delivered on all of the promises made while leaving enough room for a return – should the creative team feel so inclined. It was dramatic and foreboding, while also letting loose all that building tension.

Kieron Gillen’s writing was intense and at times broody, but it was the perfect note for this conclusion. Duncan’s story is far from over – but we were left at a point where we’re okay with leaving his journey unknown.

The major plot twist over the course of this issue was quite clever. We won’t go into detail, as it’s one of those moments better seen firsthand. But it was the perfect solution for how to put the legend back to sleep, so to speak.

Perhaps the most surprising part of this issue was just how much raw emotion was infused into the pages. You could really see Duncan overcoming it all, while his grandmother’s pain and mother’s uncertainty were clear as day. Their emotions felt real – they read as real. That made them feel more human, in the end.

Looking back on it, this wrap up made complete sense. It wasn’t predictable – and yet it very much felt like the conclusion we’ve been building to this whole time. It did justice to the previous issues of the series. And it lived up to the expectations of the fans.

What a beautiful scene for what is sure to be a dangerous task ahead.

The Art

Unsurprisingly, the artwork behind Once & Future #6 was as stunning as the plot was dark. This was a series unafraid of diving into rich details, or lush settings in order to tell its haunting tale. It worked quite effectively.

There were two worlds portrayed in this issue. The mundane, and the otherworldly. The two merged together in such striking ways. The details and colors were vibrant and eye-catching, all while portraying a legend better left alone. There’s something so very evocative about that combination.

There are many highlights that could be listed for this issue. But the truth of the matter is that everything here works best as one cohesive unit. Yes, the scenery is stunning, the monsters terrifying, and Duncan’s emotions distinct. But together? That’s where the magic happens.

Enter the Galahad and his oh so disturbed mother.

In Conclusion

Once & Future #6 was the conclusion that the fans deserved. It perfectly wrapped up Duncan’s quest, while leaving the door open for more. There’s a fine balance to be found there, but while there is hope to be found, there is no desperation in sight.

This darker retelling of King Arthur was fascinating. It’s refreshing to see a legend take such a morbid twist, especially considering how many retellings have been popping up all over the place this year. This one will continue to stand out among the rest.

Cat Wyatt
Cat Wyatt
Cat Wyatt is an avid comic book fan. She loves comics - possibly too much, and will happily talk your ear off about everything she's reading. Though picking a favorite is a bit harder. She reads a little bit of everything and is always open to trying a new series.

What do you think?

A Dramatic Conclusion In ONCE & FUTURE #6Once & Future #6 is a dramatic conclusion to a deliciously dark series, one full of clever writing and brilliant artwork.