
A lot of great material but still relies on other franchises.

‘M.A.S.K.’ #5 Ends The First Arc Strong

With all secrets revealed, Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team take on Miles Mayhem and V.E.N.O.M. in a brutal final assault. With their first major victory in their sights, the M.A.S.K. team must remain vigilant as other powerful and unforeseen forces rise up from the darkness. New enemies are on the horizon and you must NOT miss what happens on the last page!


So the end of the first storyline of the new M.A.S.K. series arrives. It’s a pretty good wrap up, showcasing some good action and intriguing moments of drama. Also, the description is right about the ending. It really leaves the issue on a cliffhanger which sets up for an entirely new storyline.You will want issue six to come out after you are done reading it.

Writer Brandon Easton does like to insert a few corny jokes here there but it doesn’t detract from the overall story he is trying to tell. Only real downside is the series is still relying a bit much on the mythology of other IDW series. It’s time for this series to stretch its legs and bring in more of the original M.A.S.K. characters instead of making references to Transformers or G.I. Joe. With the first arc wrapped up, hopefully this can be the new focus moving forward.



Tony Vargas on art and Jordi Escuin on colors is a winning combination. A wide display of effect work is used through the course of the issue. The flow of action is never interrupted and keeps the reader engrossed while reading. Also, points for all the scenes of detailed destruction. Michael Bay would be proud (take this as a compliment).


M.A.S.K. is proving to be another valuable addition to the IDW library. All it needs from here on is to show how it can stand on its own two feet without having to have a crossover ever other issue. Of course in this new continuity they are an offshoot of G.I. Joe, so this is going to be a bit difficult. Still, if anyone can do it, it’s this team.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

What do you think?

'M.A.S.K.' #5 Ends The First Arc StrongA lot of great material but still relies on other franchises.