Behold Episode One of The UnPOP Podshow


Prepare your eyes. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your souls for the UNPOP PODSHOW!

Episode One, or Fantastic Beasts and How to Avoid Them finds your most lovable podcasting cinephiles in an unknown race against themselves as they manage to destroy any chance they have at finding love, friendship or even eternal damnation.

Drawing inspiration from a myriad of cinematic masterpieces, the UNPOP PODSHOW is an extension of the greatest UNheard film podcast in Valley Village, CA: The UnPOP Podcast.

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Curtis is a Los Angeles transplant from a long lost land called Ohio. He aspires to transmute his experiences growing up a Monster Kid into something that will horrify normal people around the world. When he isn't bemoaning the loss of the latest Guillermo del Toro project, Curtis can be found every Thursday night at the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard, awaiting the next Dwayne Johnson movie.