‘Justice League’ Wrap Party – Jason Momoa Knows How To Party

‘Justice League’ filming came to a close, and Jason Momoa partied, drank, and Instagrammed it.

According to my source, two weeks ago Aquaman himself posted a photo before the epic after party. He just released some awesome photos with cast and crew and put them up on his Instagram. We get a taste of the relationships that the actors made while on set, as well as Momoa’s taste for Guinness.  We see photos of Momoa partying with Ben Affleck, Zack Snyder, and many others.



Love u guys Mahalo for all your hardwork

A post shared by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

I don’t know about everyone else, but I for one am on board with all of these selfies.

Momoa’s Instagram is full of pictures from the ‘Justice League’ filming, as well as his different adventures, and his absolute love of Guinness beer. http://instagram.com/prideofgypsies

With this being a week of epic proportions for the ‘Justice League’ crew, with the footage of Amber Heard in her Mera Costume, and the new Wonder Woman trailer, this is really just the icing on the cake. It is exactly what the fan boys and girls need to keep them going.

Momoa plays Aquaman in the upcoming movie ‘Justice League’. We were lucky enough to get a slight taste of the character in ‘Batman V. Superman’, more of him in ‘Justice League’ and all of him in the ‘Aquaman’ movie, which is scheduled for 2018. Momoa is mostly known for his role in ‘Game of Thrones’ as Khal Drogo. He was also in ‘Baywatch’ back in the late 90s/early 00s, and ‘Stargate: Atlantis’ 2005-2009.

‘Justice League’ follows Batman and Wonder Woman, after the death of Superman, enlisting a team of meta humans to help take down the next threat. Starring Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Amber Heard, Ezra Miller, Diane Lane, and Jason Momoa.

‘Justice League’ opens November 17, 2017

Devon Kenney
Devon Kenney
A Washingtonian born and raised, trying to make my way in Indiana. A nerd from head to toe. In love with craft beer, horror, and Hall and Oates. Graduate from Academy of Art University with a degree in Screenwriting. Find me on Twitter and Instagram @Nightynight34

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