Review ‘Deadpool’ – The Merc With The Mouth is Finally Here

From the moment Deadpool begins, you know you’re in safe hands. It’s no ordinary opening, and it sets the tone for what is about to come. Which is pure, full-throttle entertainment. Director Tim Miller does a fantastic job and it’s easy to see this must have been a lot of fun on set. The work put into the characters is complete, and it just makes you want to see more of everyone on-screen. The film could have run another hour. Easily.

Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. This is the character we should have seen long ago, and it is a shame it wasn’t made sooner. He is perfect in this role, and his sense of humour, and comic timing is flawless. His scenes with T.J. Miller, who plays Weasel, are funny, and his scenes with Morena Baccarin are emotional and somewhat disarming. Reynolds can switch from being the merc with the mouth, to merc with the heart without missing a beat. This helps you understand why he is trying so hard to change the way he looks and get back to Vanessa.

Speaking of Vanessa, Morena Baccarin is simply awesome in this film. She plays a different type of love interest, just as foul-mouthed and crazy as Wade/Deadpool is. The chemistry is tangible, and Reynolds and Baccarat work off each other incredibly well.

The standout element of the film was the humour. Deadpool will require a second viewing as lines spout one after another. The breaking of the fourth wall works. It never comes across as forced and fits in with the everything else and you just accept it. One surprising element was how much the film made fun of both the studio and other superhero franchises. It would be easy to see studio heads watching this and laughing through gritted teeth.

Ed Skrein does a great job of making you hate Ajax, the central villain, and makes it easy for the audience to get behind Deadpool. His fight scenes are well done and choreographed with confidence, which makes for great viewing. Gina Carano as Angel Dust is also solid. She doesn’t have much to say, but when you can lay the smackdown on Colossus, then words don’t matter all that much.

Someone I would love to see come back for a sequel is Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Not only is she armed with brilliant powers, but she’s also fun to watch and has great chemistry with Reynolds.It’s also a welcome back for Stan Lee in his usual cameo role. A couple of people actually cheered when they saw him on-screen (yes, I was one of them.)

The action in the movie is incredible. From the opening scene, to the big battle at the end, everything you see is inventive and forever kinetic. Deadpool is a superhero film that grabs others by the short and curlies and gives them a good shake. When it comes to the source material, then Deadpool is the closest you will get to seeing a comic book on-screen. A massive round of applause to all the cast and crew.


That’s all for now, see you soon.

Lee Westney
Lee Westney
I am a 36 year old man child who has vey serious addiction to film/TV/comics and superheroes. I live in sunny Bristol with my wife who has just about come to terms with how big a nerd I am and my 2 kids. I love having a good old natter about all things geeky related so please feel free to get in touch with theories you may have or any bits of info. But!! Please no spoilers!

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