
David A. Goodman's writing takes everything fans loved from the television show and fits it perfectly within the realm of comics.

Review: THE ORVILLE #2: LAUNCH DAY (PART 2 OF 2) Explores Extreme Isolationism

THE ORVILLE #2: LAUNCH DAY (PART 2 OF 2) hits comic book stores on Wednesday, October 7th, giving readers the conclusion to this action-packed two-party story. Last issue, the crew of the Orville discovered a mysterious moon-sized object in the planet Krill’s orbit. Upon attempts to destroy it, Captain Ed Mercer convinced his team to inspect the unknown structure. But the device appears to be a weapon. What’s more, the other crew members discovered that the Krill citizens are gearing up for a mysterious event called “Launch Day.”


This issue’s story comes in three sections; Ed and Commander Kelly Grayson’s investigation, Lieutenants Gordon Malloy and John LaMarr’s infiltration of the suspicious space station, and Lieutenant Commander Bortus’s negotiations with the Krill leader Captain Kratok. The main focus lies with Ed and Kelly.

Ed and Kelly, disguised as Krill, spend much of the issue talking with the citizens. And after speaking with the mother of a deceased soldier, they learn the purpose of “Launch Day.” It refers to the civilization’s planned escape from their universe. Sparked by a fear of immigrants and visitors to their planet, the Krill plan to use the space station to teleport their people to a new dimension.

David A. Goodman’s writing takes everything fans loved from the television show and fits it perfectly within the realm of comics. It also explores real world themes of xenophobia that will make us examine our beliefs.


The artists for this issue stitch together a fantastic tapestry of illustrations. David Cabeza’s penciling and ink work, Michael Atiyeh’s coloring, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt’s lettering, provides characters with lifelike details. Our favorite characters’ faces were almost spitting images of their real life counterparts. The extensive color varieties place us in their experience of the alien planet. In addition, the lettering does an amazing job of giving readers context through the use of pointy word balloons for electronic communication to differentiate them from in-person speech.


THE ORVILLE #2: LAUNCH DAY (PART 2 OF 2) wraps up the “Launch Day” storyline quite well. Questions were answered, but more were brought to our minds in anticipation of the next issue.

Were you satisfied with the conclusion to this two-part story? Let us know in the comments below!

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.

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Review: THE ORVILLE #2: LAUNCH DAY (PART 2 OF 2) Explores Extreme IsolationismDavid A. Goodman's writing takes everything fans loved from the television show and fits it perfectly within the realm of comics.