
VOYAGE TO THE STARS #2 way a thrill to read. Exploring this recreation of "Weekend at Bernie's" will make any 80's movie fan happy.

Review: VOYAGE TO THE STARS #2 Goes “Weekend At Bernie’s”

VOYAGE TO THE STARS #2 hits comic book stores on Wednesday, September 30th, detailing the fallout of last issue’s disastrous accident. Tucker faces the fallout of unintentionally caused the death of the Exemplar. But the call is made—the Knights Exemplar are en route to the team’s location. The solution? They decide to carry around the dead Exemplar in “Weekend at Bernie’s” fashion. The events are sure to be both hilarious and surprising for readers.


After a brief recap of the voyagers’ team and mission, Ryan Copple and James Asmus’s narrative dives into the frantic atmosphere on the ship. The crew scramble to find a way to keep the Knights at bay in hilarious fashion despite the recent murder of their new “friend.”

The ability these writers have for turning a dark situation into something full of irony and hilarity makes this comic a classic. It’s a great visual representation of the humor listeners regularly enjoy in the podcast version.

But the story isn’t all fun and games; the Knights find the voyagers’ ruse suspicious. And the resulting chaos that ensues engages readers in outstanding fashion.


The illustrations within this issue match perfectly with the written narrative. Connie Daidone’s penciling and ink work presents readers with protagonists drawn in awkward positions to represent the themes of uncertainty and deception within the story. Reggie Graham’s coloring complements these with smart color choices to reflect the characters’ moods—ranging from deep reds of panic to light colored hues representing their unease and guilt. In addition, Justin Birch’s lettering adds character to each person by varying the sizes in their speech to represent yelling, shrieking, or laughing.


VOYAGE TO THE STARS #2 way a thrill to read. Exploring this recreation of “Weekend at Bernie’s” will make any 80’s movie fan happy.

Do you think the Exemplar is gone for good? Let us know in the comments below.

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.

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Review: VOYAGE TO THE STARS #2 Goes "Weekend At Bernie's"VOYAGE TO THE STARS #2 way a thrill to read. Exploring this recreation of "Weekend at Bernie's" will make any 80's movie fan happy.