New Green Lantern/Green Arrow Story From The Late Denny O’Neil

To commemorate Green Lantern’s 80th Anniversary, DC Comics is releasing a special 100-page collection of short, Green Lantern adventures from assorted writers and artists. What makes this collection particularly special is an adventure, penned by the late Denny O’Neil, that reunites Green Lantern with his emerald colleague Green Arrow, titled “Time Alone”.

The reunited Emerald Enforcers square off against the Clock King in a flashback to their road traveling days. The encounter leads to some introspection as each hero examines their approach to fighting crime and how they can do better.

You can read a FREE PREVIEW of O’Neil’s story via the links in DC’s full press release below.

Is this a signal that we could be seeing more Green Lantern/Green Arrow teamups from DC in the near future? Let us know what you think in the Comments, and please share this article on social media to keep the conversation going.


Direct website Link to Preview:

Today, ring-slinging fans everywhere are rushing to their favorite comic book stores to pick up a copy of the Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular. This commemorative tribute celebrates eight decades of the greatest heroes to wear the ring and recite the oath of the Green Lantern Corps. Many of comics’ greatest storytellers have lent their talents to this must-have anthology, including Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Gary Frank, James Tynion IV, Ron Marz, Darryl Banks, Peter Tomasi, Robert Venditti among others.

This landmark issue also features the final original DC story written by the late Denny O’Neil, “Time Alone.” Featuring art by legendary artist Mike Grell, the story reunites Hal Jordan with Green Arrow Oliver Queen in an flashback story from their days as “Hard Traveling Heroes.” A particularly violent encounter with the villain Clock King puts Hal and Ollie back out on the open road, both of them reexamining how they fight crime, and how a different approach could make them both better heroes.

In honor of Denny’s final story for DC, the publisher has provided a free online preview of “Time Alone,” available for reading here . The Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular is available now at participating open and operating comic book stores and digital retailers and sells for $9.99. To find the nearest store, check out the DC comic shop locator,

Gabriel Hernandez
Gabriel Hernandez
Lovers of all things Comics, Sci-Fi and Horror. Former Rocket Scientist. Current IT Guru. Amateur musician. Writer. World Traveler. I live in Wilmington, DE with my wife and two children.

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