The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #12 comes out this week from Marvel Comics and brings this suspenseful story to its closure.
(Spoilers Ahead)
With last month’s whirlwind of a cliffhanger, fans will likely dig right into Ms. Marvel this week. The first page greets us not with Kamala, but with her mother waking up in the hospital waiting room instead.

Opening here is a good decision as it is playing off of the cliffhanger further. We don’t see Kamala right away, and we still don’t know if she’s okay. Furthermore, the last issue gave us no word on Kamala’s father. So being greeted by Doctor Strange Surgeon Supreme to update Kamala’s mother on her husband’s condition, we’re given the understanding that we get the final verdict today.
Then we transition back to our unconscious hero, sinking deeper and deeper into the waters of defeat… Literally. Bruno, however, does come and pull her out. With how long we’ve gone without Bruno’s help at Kamala’s side, it’s good to see them having each other’s backs once again in these dire situations.

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #12 has a strong start for an issue. Kamala suits back up in her old costume, Surgeon Strange is updating her (and the reader) on her father’s condition, and Kamala is left with a dire decision to make.
Having to decide between her father and heroism again, Kamala chooses to pursue Stormranger and save her once friend Josh instead. This decision bears more weight than before as Strange informed Ms. Marvel he needs her blood to save her father, and time is running out. The gravity of this timeframe feels urgent, and this really seems like the final hurdle our hero has to face.
Ultimately, Kamala’s showdown with Stormranger does feel a bit anticlimactic. It can even be broken down as simple as, “She goes in with a plan, and it worked.” Granted the last issue was more of a showdown between the two but given the buildup from there, and that it seems to mean the end of Stormranger and the costume as a whole, it feels rushed.
The downside to this is that it undermines the urgency of time that was just given. Kamala does return to the hospital, and while it is stated that there are consequences for her decision, we don’t SEE the impact of them.
Though writer Saladin Ahmed definitely had a strong idea for this story and created an emotional rollercoaster for readers, this issue does end on an underwhelming note. The set up was strong and putting Kamala in these consistent situations where she chooses heroism over her family crisis because it meant saving the lives of others, VILLAINS, for that matter, says a lot for her character.
While the direction of the ending is fine, the execution seems to be just missing a few things. As mentioned earlier, the last showdown between Ms. Marvel and Stormranger is weak, and that doesn’t scratch the “Hero vs Evil version of themself” itch. While I’m sure it’s all too possible we haven’t ACTUALLY seen the last of Stormranger, the implied end just doesn’t fit the buildup.
That being said, this issue isn’t “bad” necessarily. While the conclusion takes away from the severity of the whole situation, there’s still a lot to like. Artist Minkyu Jung and inker Juan Vlasco put together some spectacular panels. Stormranger’s entrance in this issue is notably cool and gives off major “Carnage” vibes. Color artist Ian Herring keeps the aesthetic consistent and admittedly kind of nails the lighting and colors of a hospital waiting room.

The lettering is mostly average this issue, with one notably satisfying explosion effect that VC’s Joe Caramagna takes full advantage of. It doesn’t seem like an issue that lends itself to creative lettering as it’s a lot of dialogue as a whole. The most notable point to make is just that it reads smoothly.
Something quite positive to note about the conclusion would be Kamala and Bruno’s relationship. It’s the last thing we see this issue and displays a very realistic and understandable direction for these characters to take at this time. The whole situation is confusing for them since they’ve been through a lot together. It’s tough to say at this point in time if they’ll ever really work it out, but it keeps a real pace and never gets boring to watch.
While admittedly a little disappointed with the conclusion of this story, it does still stand out as the best thing to come from the current Ms. Marvel run. Though early issues of The Magnificent Ms. Marvel left me skeptical of the direction it was heading in, I am completely back on board for whatever comes next for my favorite Inhuman.