It may be 2020, but the ’90s were such a great time people can’t let it go, this rings true with BOOM! Studios (in partnership with IDW and Nickelodeon) Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 where lovers of both respected franchises get the chance to relive his or her action figure crossovers.

Make sure to read our review for the first issue if you haven’t or pick it up from your local comic shop.
Akin to their respective TV series, MMPR/TMNT #2 is fast-paced with barely any slow down, yet, it never swerves into break-neck speed. Instead, the second issue (of five) is able to give a fair amount of new information effectively. While keeping some revelations in its pocket. Writer Ryan Parrott is able to achieve a great feat of making each conversation fun while being informative and important to the plot/characters. When the Turtles and Power Rangers interact, they stay true to their characters and play off of each other perfectly. The aforementioned excellent character interaction happens anytime the teams are on the page together, but hits exceedingly harder during an action moment.
During one fight scene, there is a conversation I’d like to note. Not due to what it’s about (pizza), but because of how Parrott wrote it. As the fight with the two teams and Foot Clan rage on, each member teams up with another from the other team to fight the clan. During this, the pairs of fighters banter back and forth to the reader’s great enjoyment. But, when Parrott jumps from one pair to another, we join them in the middle of a conversation, instead of the very beginning. This may not seem like much, but this joining in makes the scene feel real. This technique makes the fight feel as if everyone is having conversations we can’t hear (read).
MMPR/TMNT #2 reveals the reason why Green Power Ranger, Tommy Oliver, has joined the Foot Clan. At first, some readers may think it’s awkward writing, yet it’s entirely in line with how he is. This furthers the point of Parrott understanding what these characters are fundamentally about.

Simone Di Meo continues the high energy art seen in MMPR/TMNT #1 into the second issue with assistance from Alessio Zonno. Each fight scene packs in a beautiful fluidity that feels like animation cells coming together for a cartoon. During the fights, the duo exaggerates some actions/movements, but it never looks weird or overdone. Instead, these exaggerations help make the battles feel alive with static energy, precisely what you’d expect from both franchises. Yet, the beautiful art isn’t limited to just action moments. When the story calls for the few slow-paced character moments, they literally break the panels.
The art duo makes sure that when characters are talking during non-action scenes, the panel they adorn is layered upon the others to make them pop. Another element that pops is the gorgeous colors by Walter Baiamonte with assistance from Igor Monti. During some scenes in MMPR/TMNT #1, the colors are too bright, which causes problems. But in MMPR/TMNT #2, this blight never occurs. Instead, the colors are vibrant and jazzy as they should be.

One of the best moments of color usage is a more subdued one. When the Power Rangers unmask, instead of making it take a large panel or some big ordeal, the team makes it a smaller moment with minimalist motions. In this scene (shown above), when the masks deform – for a better word – it’s shown with a few colored shapes coming off their heads. It’s simple, yet one of the coolest moments in MMPR/TMNT #2.
In the previous issue, Ed Dukeshire’s lettering was a highlight with a mood mirroring the show while helping MMPR/TMNT #1 pop more. Dukeshire’s amazing lettering returns in MMPR/TMNT #2. Per usual, Dukeshire makes sure none of the letters obscure the are while helping the viewer’s eyes. On top of that great skill, he changes the format for words in a few cases that make said moment stand out more.

MMPR/TMNT started with a solid issue that had a few minor hiccups. With the second issue, all of these blemishes have vanished, leaving a comic book that warrants a read if you’re a fan of either story. Even if you’re not a fan, the creative work inside is with your time.
Memorable Quote: “Just hit her in the head, guys don’t overthink it.” – Yellow Ranger
She does have a very valid point.
What did you think of the second issue? Let us know down below. I enjoyed the first issue so much I went and started reading each team’s new comic series.