
As IDW's first new series of 2020, I CAN SELL YOU A BODY #1 gives all other first issues something to strive for.

IDW Starts The New Year Strong With I CAN SELL YOU A BODY #1

This Wednesday is the first for many things; the first day of 2020, the first Wednesday of 2020, the first New Comic Book Day and the first issue of IDW’s uniquely named series, I CAN SELL YOU A BODY #1.

The first page says a lot about the characters and world in I Can Sell You A Body.
Interior Art and Colors by George Kambadais. Letters by Ryan Ferrier

Writer/Letterer Ryan Ferrier and Artist George Kambadais’ newest series, I Can Sell You A Body hasn’t received much fanfare since its initial announcement. As someone who believes they are in the know with comic releases, I hadn’t heard of it until recently. Thing is, with a name such as, I Can Sell You A Body how has it not had more people talking? As far as titles go it’s one that draws interest without you reading the synopsis. But for brevity’s sake, we’ll have a quick one.

How To Sell a Body

Ferrier’s four part “Criminal Haunt” comic wears its name on its sleeve with disgraced TV psychic, Denny Little selling clients their loved ones ghosts in others bodies. Honestly, the title is pretty self explanatory of the story, but life isn’t going so well for Denny. This due to him owing money and a body for a client’s grandpa. Thus adorning him with a bounty upon his head and 48 hours to live.

The first thing that hits you in I Can Sell You A Body #1 is how fleshed out Ferrier’s world already feels within its first page. On the first page we learn the worlds harsh feelings towards Denny, be it the drawn on horns on an ad, or the hot dog sellers words. But during this transaction, we also learn Denny’s personality, which if we’re being honest is probably one of the reasons why people don’t like him. He can be a straight-up dick. Yet it comes across hilarious in its presentation making you sort of like him.

At no point do you really root for Denny, or feel “bad” for him, instead we meet him in the middle of what may be the worst moments of his life. Ferrier brings the reader into 48 hours of the disgraced TV psychic life going down the drain, which feels like a trainwreck that you shouldn’t look at, yet at the same time, it’s gorgeous. This is achieved with how great the world of I Can Sell You A Body feels.

Instead of starting at the beginning of this character and world, Ferrier brings the reader right into the middle of the universe. This gives the feeling that the world is already built and other stories have already happened in it. It helps that the characters Ferrier creates feel human with their own lives and problems that are shown throughout. That and the humor shown throughout is amazing and hits when it needs to while keeping the pace fast.

First client of the day.
Interior Art and Colors by George Kambadais. Letters by Ryan Ferrier

The Art of Selling A Body

As Ferrier doubles as Writer and Letterer, Kambadais’ doubles as Artist and Colorist for I Can Sell You A Body #1. Kambadais’ art complements Ferrier’s plot every single step. When a character interaction calls for humor, Kambadais makes sure the reader gets a laugh from the visuals as well. This can be said for other emotions. In some cases, Kambadais tilts the panel in certain ways to help amplify the moment that is transpiring. Or during other instances, he drops all colors besides the character. This makes said person stand out more.

This technique of dropping all colors to boost the action that is transpiring happens often. But, each time Kambadais does this the result is amazing and never feels overdone. Throughout I Can Sell You A Body #1 Kambadais uses a vast palette with bright colors that help heighten the day scenes. Whereas his use of darker colors to help the serious moments and show the contrast of day and night.

Throughout I Can Sell You A Body #1, Kambadais’ art helps carry the emotions and physical comedy. That being, putting dialogue bubbles in the wrong place could easily hinder the moment that the team tries to portray. But, at no point does Ferrier’s lettering ever get in the way of the visual moments that help boost the scene. This boost carries over to when a body is inhabited by a ghost with a green line around the dialogue bubbles.

Some great panel structure and color usage.
Interior Art and Colors by George Kambadais. Letters by Ryan Ferrier

I Can Sell You A Body Conclusion

The duo of Ferrier and Kambadais work perfect together, which shows in I Can Sell You A Body #1. Each moment hits as hard as the duo wants with them seemingly in sync between the words and visuals.

Readers Looking For A Body

What did you think of the life and times of disgraced TV psychic, Denny Little? Let us know down below. Plus, if you’re looking for another great new IDW comic to start, check out our review for The Kill Lock #1.

Jason Jeffords Jr
Jason Jeffords Jr
Jason resides in the cold crime-ridden town of Anchorage, Alaska. When he isn't running away from murderers, he "chills" at home reading comics/books, watching films/TV, and playing video games with his three-legged cat Lucky. Oh he also sometimes writes for websites such as Monkeys Fighting Robots, Comics Bulletin, ComicBookYeti, Multiversity Comics, and others.

What do you think?

IDW Starts The New Year Strong With I CAN SELL YOU A BODY #1As IDW's first new series of 2020, I CAN SELL YOU A BODY #1 gives all other first issues something to strive for.