The Internet Reacts to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

Since the announcement of its debut, Star Wars fans everywhere were feverishly waiting for Monday Night Football (that’s a sentence I never thought I would write). The trailer didn’t disappoint as it gave us our best look yet at the soon to be released Episode 7.

The internet reacted accordingly to the monumental release with fans all around the world, young and old, famous and not-so-famous, Jedi and Sith, sharing their thoughts on Twitter.

We decided to compile all the reactions from celebrities to die hard fans to give a look at some of the funniest reactions and maybe a few easter eggs that may have gone unnoticed.

This is how a fan base reacts to the first true glimpse of Star Wars: The Force Awakens:

(So true…)

Oh and by the way, Kevin Smith was the first to see the trailer:

Maybe Star Wars executives felt bad about stealing his entire audience during this past years Comic Con!



Darcy Reddan
Darcy Reddan
Consumer of pop culture, drinker of beer, tweeter of twitter.

What do you think?
