
The issue still suffers from nailing the new team dynamic thanks mostly to excessive dialogue and average artwork.

Review: The Struggle For Direction In MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #32

The new arc of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Boom Studios is having some difficulty with the new cast. The fans were hyped for this ragtag group of different Rangers from different teams across the mythology. Will this be the issue where they pull themselves together?


After the mysterious ranger stole their power source, the team has no choice but to pursue despite their limited powers.


The best word to describe this issue is awkward. Everything from the plot, to the characters, and even the artwork seems like it is struggling to connect properly. There are patches where it seems like a team dynamic is starting to form between characters but at the same time they feel more like hints of attempting individuals to be shipped together. Both Kim and Heckyl and Mike and Tanya have moments where it appears like they are looking into each other’s eyes longingly as if to showcase they are falling for one another. Kinda feels like there should be more team building first before you start putting people in relationships.

Power Rangers

Writer Marguerite Bennett seems to have fallen into the trap of overusing technobabble and just as much “tell not show” in this issue. One of the best examples comes later in the issues when as as mysterious ranger bonds with her companion. The dialogue seems more exposition than it feels more like two individuals who have known each other for a while bonding. Hopefully this will get resolved more in subsequent issues.


Sadly the artwork doesn’t escape this sense of awkwardness either. The pencils by Simone Di Meo and inks by Alessandro Cappuccio seem to struggle with the free range they have to introduce new characters into this fresh setting. The villains designs used are scary but the same time they’re making the comic feel like an entirely different series. With all the different cannon fodder villains Power Rangers has had over the years you think they’d be able to use at least use one as a more recognizable threat to help ground the series.

The colors by Walter Baiamonte and Francesco Segala help with setting the scene the book takes place in another dimension. Sadly it does nothing to help the flow of the action scenes which seem to be all over the place with character positioning and direction. These elements are essential for helping the reader to follow how the fight is playing out.

Power Rangers

The lettering by Ed Dukeshire does help with the flow of the conversation but does nothing to aid with the previous complaint of the chopping action scenes. You’d think if anything would be able to save the issue it would be the work Dukeshire who has been on the series the longest of everyone.


This issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers still doesn’t help to make the team click together and sell the interest of the new arc. Maybe it’s because the story has made the characters more reactionary than showing them in more natural situations. Still, this issue isn’t without hope and there is still a chance this storyline can redeem itself moving forward. Let’s just hope it comes sooner than later.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

What do you think?

Review: The Struggle For Direction In MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #32The issue still suffers from nailing the new team dynamic thanks mostly to excessive dialogue and average artwork.