Lagunitas “Sucks” Brown Shugga’ Substitute Review

Lagunitas “Sucks” is a misleading name for a beer especially when it tastes as good as this brew. This “un-Limited” release was apparently brewed during a low point of the Lagunitas Brewing Companies existence. This “Brown Shugga Substitute Ale” was made when the company was unable to craft their signature Brown Shugga Ale. They titled the beer “Sucks” due to their inability to produce their signature blend around the holiday season but rest assured, this beer most certainly does not suck.

It also should be noted that I decided to review Lagunitas due to my unfamiliarity with the Brewing Company upon hearing that they were recently purchased by Heineken.


A sweet and creamy mixture of Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats that may be a little too much for some who don’t have as much a penchant for sweeter beers. There is not much of a strong residual flavor which may be what you are looking for if you enjoy drinking a variety of beers.


For a beer that is 8% ABV you would hardly notice by the light body. The aroma is very sweet and each gulp seems to have a bit of a dry finish. Makes for a very good beer to enjoy with dinner.


The price ran a little steep — $15 for a 6 pack — but then again I have drank them slowly over the course of a week. If you are looking for a good beer to bring to a party you can certainly get more bang for your buck, but if you want something delicious to keep on ice you shouldn’t let the price scare you.


This is an example of branding successfully getting a consumer to purchase the product. The second I saw the splattered tomato on the bottle and read the name I knew I had to try it and I am very glad that I did.

Lagunitas “Sucks” Final Sip

It doesn’t! It definitely does not suck. A great beer to enjoy when you get off of work or just having a nice beer with dinner.


Darcy Reddan
Darcy Reddan
Consumer of pop culture, drinker of beer, tweeter of twitter.

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