Monkeys Fighting Robots

As Lumberjanes, the underground hit from Boom Studios, reaches its 50th issue, the series continues to showcase energy to show it still has a lot of story to tell. Does it take the time to have offer a proper anniversary and celebration deserving of 50 issues?


As the rain continues to keep the Lumberjanes indoors, Mai, April, and Ripley continue their quest down the mysterious cavern leading under the cabin.


Another day, another adventure for the residents of the Roanoke Cabin. This is what can be taken away from this issue. It’s an okay issue as Mai, April, and Ripley are in the middle of the new multi-issue spanning mystery but its just as grand as it could be. The issue isn’t bad by any means, but 50 issues is cause for celebration and anniversary. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be much in this issue. Writers Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh were probably just sticking with the plot they originally mapped out instead of taking a break to tell a side story for the 50th issue.

There is an additional backstory written by Shannon Watters focusing on the Nellie, the former camp director who has the ability to turn into a bear. It almost feels like these few pages should be expanded on to be the main story of the issue. It would have offered a deeper mystery filled with more emotion which should come from a 50th issue. Again, the main story isn’t bad, just not phenomenal.



The art is also a mixed bag in this issue, at least in regards to the illustration work. The work by DozerDraws is good for the more lighthearted story which comes in the first part of the book. However, the art by Brooklyn Allen reflects more of the earlier issues and adds to more mystery and depth the series dips towards. The art is ideal for the stories which are trying to tell but they don’t save the overall content of the issue.

Maarta Laiho on the color work is eye catching as ever. The scenes in the cavern are made more influential thanks to the coloring displayed here. It helps to give it the mysterious feel which is synonymous with this series.

Lettering work by Aubrey Aiese aids the story in the delivery of the comedy. Through quiet beats and emphasis the humor comes through perfectly and delivers many smiles and chuckles from the reader.


A fine issue, but it just isn’t all it could be. It’s hard to get over a milestone issue being less than essential reading. Still, Lumberjanes continues to remain an incredible series which fans of indie comics need to check out. One bland issue doesn’t detract from the overwhelming majority of excellent stories this series has produced over 50 issues.