Monkeys Fighting Robots

The new Sonic The Hedgehog series by Ian Flynn from IDW continues with its second issue, and introduces everyone’s favorite pink Hedgehog, Amy Rose.


As Sonic continues to fight against the rough robots to investigate who is behind their attacks, he runs into his number one fan, Amy Rose.


After the second issue, this series is starting to feel like an IDW series. This makes perfect sense as many IDW series seem to land better after their second issue. As the majority of the comics from the company are based on existing franchises with large casts of characters, it’s important to remember each series is a fresh slate, with a new world to explore. This means elements which are known to be part of the franchise are not necessarily in play in the series until they get a proper introduction.

The first arc of this series is set to re-introduce the characters as they will act in this new series. The first issue introduced Sonic and Tails, this issue brings Amy Rose, and the next issue will finally bring Knuckles to the mix. It may seem like it’s a slower pace but at the same time, this is what is needed when dealing with large casts, characters, and mythology. Writer Ian Flynn seems to have a great feel for what needs to happen with this franchise moving forward and is producing an incredibly fun read in the process.

Sonic The Hedgehog


The artwork gets a shift up thanks to the work of a new artist. Adam Bryce Thomas pulls overtime by doing pencils, inks, and color work for this issue. His work is perfect with the introduction of Amy Rose. She seems like a character who benefits from the use of a lot of great facial expressions as she is one for getting emotional being young and trying to prove herself to everyone, especially Sonic. You can feel the sentiment Amy feels from panel to panel, making the issue incredibly memorable.

The lettering by Corey Breen helps with introducing Amy’s emotional nature. The lettering delivers how awkward yet loud she can get around the blue blur. Also, the sound effects help the actions flow as if watching one of the original Sonic video games. The effect used for Sonic’s signature charge spin is spot on.


The book hasn’t lost its energy after the first issue and instead has proven a change of art, especially for certain characters, helps to make the issue more enticing. If you weren’t won over by the first issue of the new Sonic the Hedgehog series, then pick up this issue before you write off the series. It helps to prove just how entertaining this new book is going to be.