SECOND COMING: ONLY BEGOTTEN SON #2 hits your local comic books shop on February 17, but thanks to Ahoy Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has a five-page preview for our readers.
The book is written by Mark Russell, with art by Richard Pace, Leonard Kirk is the finisher on the Sunstar pages, Andy Troy is the colorist on the Sunstar pages, and you will read Rob Steen’s letter work. Pace created the cover.
About the issue:
Chaos, weirdness, and corndogs reign when Jesus innocently stumbles into Bible Safari, a profit-squeezing amusement park that trades in his image. Meanwhile, Sunstar gets some disturbing news about his earthly foster-grandmother. Later, Jesus stands to recruit a new disciple—if he can inspire said disciple to keep on living! Also featuring illustrated bonus stories in the AHOY tradition.
Check out the SECOND COMING: ONLY BEGOTTEN SON #2 preview below.