4-Page Preview: NUCLEAR FAMILY #2 by Stephanie Phillips and Tony Shasteen

NUCLEAR FAMILY #2 hits your local comic book store on March 31, but thanks to AfterShock Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has an exclusive four-page preview for our readers.

The book is written by Stephanie Phillips, with art by Tony Shasteen, JD Mettler drops the color, and you will read Troy Peteri’s letter work.

When the Big One dropped on their house in 1957, the Cold War turned hot for the McClean family. Forced to contend with the literal fallout in a Wisconsin suffering from nuclear winter, where almost all civilization has been wiped from the map, the McCleans now have to wonder, is the year still 1957, or has something more shocking happened?

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
