Five Favorites Films From The Year I Was Born: 1990

Check Out This Look Back At My Favorite Movies From 1990, The Year I Was Born!

The year was 1990. The MPAA got rid of Rated X films, now calling them NC-17. Muppets creator Jim Henson just passed away. Even politics were crazy with George H. W. Bush as President and the Gulf War starting. During all of this chaos, the cinemas remained the place to be. 1990 saw ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles‘ become the second high grossing independent movie ever while Martin Scorsese creates his epic ‘Goodfellas‘. Also, can’t forget the bad-ass movie ‘Robocop 2‘!

But on December 29th, little EJ Moreno was born. Since then, I’ve fallen in love with film more so than I have with anything else. Naturally, I wanted to reflect on the movies that came out the year I was born. Seeing what dominated the cinemas in ’90 seemed thrilling to me. Below is a list of my five favorite movies from 1990!

5. Frankenhooker

-Sure, I could have put esteemed classics like ‘Goodfellas‘ or ‘Dances With Wolves‘ on this list but that’s not me. I like campy horror films; especially ones with hookers and Frankenstein’s Monster. I didn’t know how much ‘Frankenhooker‘ shaped my film taste until I created my first short film inspired by this movie!

4. Home Alone

-An odd choice considering the rest of this list but I do love a good home invasion film. Even when it involves kids and Christmas. ‘Home Alone‘ has stood the test of time and lived on to be a holiday classic with some iconic scenes. While I do love this movie, I enjoy ‘Home Alone 2‘ just a little bit more.

3. Jacob’s Ladder

-Something about this surreal horror film starring Tim Robbins scares me. ‘Jacob’s Ladder‘ is about a Vietnam War veteran mourning the death of his child. In an attempt to discover his past and recover from a severe case of dissociation, Jacob tries to figure out what is reality and his own horrifying dreams of death.

2. Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer

-Although it was originally released in a limited capacity in 1986, ‘Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer‘ wasn’t widely released until 1990. And it’s my list so I can do whatever I want. This movie is so insanely vile & gruesome that sometimes I’m amazed how it was ever made. Also, thanks for introducing us to Michael Rooker!

1. Edward Scissorhands 

-This is the pinnacle Tim Burton film. He has an entire roster full of heavy-hitters but nothing screams Burton more than ‘Edward Scissorhands‘! Pairing up with Johnny Depp for the first time, this would also start a bond in film that has lasted decades. That alone could put this sad gothic love story on the top of any best of lists.

Do any of your favorites make this list?

Let me know in the comments below if you liked my look back at 1990!

EJ Moreno
EJ Moreno
Who is EJ Moreno? Is he a trained physician? No. Is he a former Miss Universe contestant? Possibly. With a bachelors degree in film and a love of pop culture, he brings an alternative view to the world of pop culture journalism. Follow him on Twitter @EJKhryst and check out his film work at

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