
Featured Reviews

Review: Religion and Politics in SEVEN SONS #1

Many stories have imagined what would happen if the Second Coming went unnoticed, but hell, what if it was a sellout? What if the candidates for God's new humanly host got their own campaign trails and action figures? The creative team of writers Robert Windom and Kelvin Mao, artist...

Read The First 5 Pages: THE ALL-NIGHTER #7 (Comixology Originals)

THE ALL-NIGHTER #7 hits Comixology on June 21, but thanks to the digital publisher, Monkeys Fighting Robots has an exclusive five-page preview for our readers. The issue is written by Chip Zdarsky, with art by Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne drops the colors, and you will read Aditya Bidikar's letter...

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AfterShock Comics Exclusive Preview: ASTRONAUT DOWN #2

ASTRONAUT DOWN #2 hits your local comic book store July 6th, but thanks to AfterShock Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has an exclusive four-page preview for you. About the issue: Inter-dimensional astronaut Douglas Spitzer has overshot his destination, and he's now in a world that is both familiar and different. In his...

Review: LOVE EVERLASTING #4 – Back to Square One (But Not Really)

Love Everlasting is a series that thrives on repetition. Joan, our "lovelorn" protagonist, is stuck in an endless cycle of sappy romance stories. Every time she finally embraces the man she loves, she finds herself back at square one, in a completely different life with another sad sack trying...

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